Elliott Wave International
Financial Analysis, Stock Market Analysis

Material Handling, Process Dust Control
The people at MinTech are some of the most fun to work with. They’re deep, complex individuals with tough jobs.
Learning about how dust control can protect the health of coal industry workers, as well as the environment, was an eye-opening education.

Agriculture, Process Dust Control
MinTerra is a line of chemical solutions for agricultural dust suppression.
This project included product development, market research, field research, user surveys, product naming, branding, video development, direct mail, email marketing campaigns, trade show design, illustration, and promotional giveaways.

Pop Trends Price Culture
The Folsom prison gang was a rowdy bunch. Robert & Tyler talk about history so this retro look was a natural fit.

This photo always makes me smile.

Heavy Duty Paint Remover
Blister is an ad that I had to push through. Though the storyboard got turned down a handful of times, I believed it could be something special, and we could bring some humor into the chemical space.
The hardest part was convincing my boss that it was worth his time to drive his Camaro through downtown Atlanta.
The overall budget? $5 in HotWheels and a couple of cans of competitor paint stripper.

Momar, Inc.
Chemical Manufacturer

Handcrafted Custom Jewelry

How To Log
Apparel Brand, Online Store

Ferraro Summer Camp
Adult Summer Camp Concept

The most fun you can have in a flock.

Bill Elliott Dawsonville Moonshine
Rye Whiskey, Spirits